A request for information came into the Society from Michael LeBlanc in Canada. Can anyone shed more light on the story recounted?
Uncle Jim was a wonderful story tells, always presented with great humour. He use to tell one about a trip made with Ernest Hemingway on board and the incident, when after being hit by flak, they lagged behind and that to run the flak concentrated on them.
Hemingsway’s then pal and fellow newsman from the News Chronicle Special Correspondent, Michael Moynihan, flew with P/O Stevenson & Rees in ‘U’. He describes the same incident in some detail his book ‘War Correspondent – unfit for service’, but no date is given and an original newspaper clipping of the same story from Jim’s papers has no date.
Moynihan and Hemingway had been haunting the station in that period hoping for a trip of their own while doing some stories on the boys. Getting late notice of the op, they rushed to the field getting there at the very last last moment and hoped on the nearest kites. Their names do not show up in the Monthly Summaries nor in the daily ORBs
Unfortunately, I’m having difficulty identifying exactly what date this took place on with the various clues offered so far.
Time of take-off shortly after 2 pm.
Stones & Stevenson flying.
Can anyone help flesh out more of this crew’s story ?
It would be interesting to know if anyone else has anyone else heard of the ‘Hemingway’ story or others similar to this one ?”
Michael LeBlanc
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